
Persona Enigma:
The meaning of who we are.


“You know there’s a world out there, right?” I nod as I answer my reflection. “I know. And it’s a world I don’t belong in.”

So many countless times I have said this mantra. Perhaps it is an acknowledgment of the truth; or perhaps a glimpse of a dream to escape from it. I do not know.

There is a side of myself that does not want to be heard nor seen. A part of who I am, whose greatest desire is to hide from the chaos of humanity. 

And yet I am human.

The personas we wear, hide enigmas of such complexity we want to deny their existence. Yet in an exploration of who I am and where I stand in this chaotic world, I have created another persona. To say the words and ask the questions, my lips do not wish to speak.

“Why are we so afraid to catch a glimpse of who we really are? ”

“Why do we fear the unknown with such terror? Or is it perhaps the known? Do we all have the potential to be cruel and prideful? Do we all have the capacity for kindness and humility?”

And why I am no different. 

Though my ponderings will perhaps only lead to more questions, I will not silence my voice in fear of the unknown. 

And so though my effort to scream may be nothing but a whisper; it will still break the silence. I am who I can never be, yet within this image I can finally speak.

Persona enigma; an exploration of the mysteries beyond the masks.

Persona enigma; an exploration of the world as it is and as it seems to be.

Who am I?

My name is Faith Fawks. I am writer and musician endeavoring to share my thoughts and feelings with the world.

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