Your breath…



The starling could not sing yet the beauty of its existence is still alive. To the weak, to the brokenhearted, if your song is trapped in silence your breath is still enough. Even the butterfly with tattered wings is vibrant. Even the rose with petals torn is still beautiful. 

What you do is a reflection of who you are, yet there are still many more layers to the painting of your soul. If you have not learned to resonate, if you have not the strength to sing, the universe of your mind still pulses. In all its chaotic beauty, there is resonance. In the quiet breath of your lungs, there is life. In the rhythm of your heart, there is purpose.

So please do not forget my shattered diamond, your heartbeat is a song more beautiful than a thousand melodies combined.

There is no music, no words that can compare to your breath, to your life. 


© Faith Fawks

Photo by M.E.F

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